Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pop Goes Philosophy

So Open Court Press has a "Philosophy and Pop Culture Series" that takes various parts of pop culture (hip-hop, The Simpsons, The Matrix, etc.) and recruits writers to write in an accessible way about how that part of pop culture speaks to philosophical issues. They have an upcoming Radiohead and Philosophy volume coming up and I'm very proud to say that I'll be included in it! I'll be writing about the way the band disfigures the human voice in Kid A (through the manipulation of human voice samples) and, in doing so, recruits inarticulation in order to speak out of and about the recording technologies that shape expression. I can't wait!

Finally, years of listening to Radiohead pays off. ;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Adam,
I found your blog via Byron Hawk. We met at RSA a few years ago and then remet this past AY at Western States! I gave the talk on Second Life and Heidegger. Our panel comprised Geoff Carter and Sarah Arroyo. Whazzzzzzup!

Adam Koehler said...

Hey Robert!! I just saw Geoff and Sarah at Cs - along with some really cool folks from St. Johns. How you doing?