Tuesday, March 4, 2008

There Will Be Manhattan

I know this is coming a bit late, but after months of job-market anxieties and, well, all those things people write about along side job-market anxieties, I'm *very* happy to say that I'll be joining the English Department at Manhattan College this fall as assistant professor of English and Director of Composition. This was *just* the job I wanted and the folks in the Department were just the sort of people I hoped they would be: warm, supportive, curious, and excited. I really couldn't be happier. Steph and I have already made plans to sublet for our first year in NYC and things are beginning to fall in place.

On realizing that we would be moving to New York, our first order of business was to say to each other, nearly in unison: "we get to sell our car!" Then we went to see *There Will Be Blood* and relished in our first step toward curing our own addiction to oil. (We also relished in the brilliance of Daniel Day-Lewis and found ourselves wanting milkshakes...)


k8 said...

Again, congrats! It sounds like a great "fit."

dhawhee said...

yay, hooray! congrats to you, and congrats to manhattan college as well. i already know a great writing group in the city that you oughtta join right away.

Donna said...

Congratulations, Adam! Very cool.

Adam Koehler said...

Thanks, k8, Debbie and Donna! I really can't say how excited we are!! And you gotta send along the info on that writing group, Debbie!

Unknown said...

Ahhh, the speed of things -- I saw yesterday that Rik had posted recent grad news on the C & R Website, but was called away by one of my wee ones. So, while it seems belated, "hip, hip hooray!" to Adam, Steph, and Sebastian!

Does this mean I can stay w/ you guys next time Cs or RSA is in NYC? And can I bring the kids? :)

Adam Koehler said...

Thanks, Dave...and it means you can stay with us no matter what brings you to town! Only if you bring the wee ones.

bdegenaro said...

that's great. good for you. i'm jealous, byt the way, of the car-less lifestyle you'll have.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Adam. That's awesome that you'll be moving into town. Where's MC? (What streets?) I live right over the Brooklyn Bridge. Before you get to town, make sure to give me a call when you come to look around. I had to make the move and hopefully I can be of some help. It's great living here, but it's a whole new way of life.

gvcarter said...

Looking forward to your Manhattan Project.less.