Friday, June 15, 2007

A new arrival

I'm very happy to report that Steph and I are the proud new parents of Sebastian Fiorelli Koehler, born on June 10th at 12:51pm, weighing in at 7 lbs and 11 ounces. He's had a rough start of it so far: he was born two weeks premature and had under-developed lungs, but has since shown significant progress and is doing nicely in the Neonatal ICU at St. Mary's here in Madison. We've been in and out of the hospital all week and are very anxious to bring him home, hopefully early next week.


k8 said...

Congratulations! He is very cute! I'm sure he will be fine and in great shape, ready to come home soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I figured that is why the blog has been quiet. Congrats! He sounds like a trooper.

Adam Koehler said...

Thanks so much. He IS a little trooper...and a little stinker too: he keeps trying to pull his feeding tube out of his nose!

Unknown said...

Hey! Congratulations! He looks terrific. Can't wait to introduce him to Vered at the next Cs! ;)

Adam Koehler said...

Thanks, Jenny. And I love the video on Rice's blog!

Donna said...

I'm glad to hear he's doing well despite the rough start. Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Wow, I feel so behind in the congratulations! He looks great! Pretty soon, he can sing along to Radiohead with Solon, although the S-man has recently gone retro w/ the Beatles. Enjoy the summer!

Adam Koehler said...

Thanks, Donna! He's looking great and getting stronger... And we're looking forward to singing along with both Radiohead and The Beatles...simultaneously!

dhawhee said...


good luck with it all!


Chad Simpson said...

Congrats to you and Steph, Adam! I'm glad to hear things are going well.

And I'd love to listen to him singing along to Radiohead and The Beatles simultaneously. I'll look forward to a future podcast.

Adam Koehler said...

Thanks Debbie and Chad! I wonder though, would simultaneous Radiohead and The Beatles make the kid bi-polar...?

Chad Simpson said...

Nah--Just innovative.

I'm imagining some combination of "Yellow Submarine" and "Fake Plastic Trees."

It could be beautiful, if a little disturbing. Two of my favorite things.

Adam Koehler said...

...I imagine it would go a little something like this..."We all live in a fake plastic tree, a fake plastic tree, a fake plastic tree..." I like.